Here is how a first tandem jump happens:
First Jump
* Fill out a bit of paperwork and take your training.
* Hop in the airplane.
* See beautiful Cape Cod while you head up to 10,000 feet.
* Exit the aircraft with your instructor.
* Freefall! You'll fly like a bird.
* Under the 'chute you'll float back to Earth with one of a kind, forest, dune, and ocean views.
* Glide into a soft landing!
* You've got this!
Your reservation time includes filling out the appropriate paperwork and instruction. The wait time until you jump can vary depending on the wind, weather and other variables. We try and minimize wait time, ideally it will take about 1-2 hours BUT you should prepare to spend half a day at the dropzone because there are so many factors that can extend wait times like weather, refueling plane, and other factors we have no control over. Feel free to bring a lunch we have a great waiting area with picnic tables, wifi, and games! We have snacks and drinks available for purchase too.
Please read our FAQ.

A Few More Things...